Erin Wimmer, Simi Valley Family YMCA Healthy Living Director

“The Y has been great, it has been a wonderful place for me to come into work everyday. I walk into the doors here at the Y and I am happy to be here, not many people can say that. I love everyone that I work with and the members! I have created a whole YMCA work family here and how exciting is it that I get to come into work everyday loving what I do and getting to motivate people to stay healthy!” - Erin Wimmer, Simi Valley Family YMCA Healthy Living Director

Safety Around Water Parent

“With having twins, we were really struggling to find a way to get them swim lessons that weren’t super expensive. When I saw this program, I was excited to have an opportunity to give them swim lessons. We don’t have a pool, but I wanted them to be safe around pools. It makes me feel more comfortable around water with them. We went to a pool after two weeks into the program, and my daughter, Vivian, one of the twins, was able to put her face in the water, and that’s all she wanted to do the rest of the day. We had to slow her down and say take some breaths and then go back. She can also go to the bottom of the pool and get something from the bottom of the shallow water and now her fear around water is almost completely gone which is great, and she knows how to get out of the water to be safe too.” - Safety Around Water Parent

Summer Camp Parent, Simi Valley Family YMCA

“This was Valeria’s first summer living with type 1 diabetes and as the school year ended I found myself in fear that I wouldn’t find her a safe and fun place where she could get the care she needed and still enjoy summer like other kids. The care she needs is a lot to ask from anyone and I kept struggling finding those willing to support, but all that changed when I spoke to Valerie. As I reflect on that very moment my heart is filled with so many emotions of gratitude. Valerie, you made this all possible and my hopes for Valeria turned into reality. Valeria not only got the care she needed but had one of best summers yet. Thank you for your empathy and for taking an approach of don’t worry momma we got you. Words will never express what this has meant to us. I believe in good things coming to good people and you all in my book deserve the best always!” - Summer Camp Parent, Simi Valley Family YMCA